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South Queensland Sabot Association
Annual General Meeting, Tuesday 3rd November

Annual General Meeting, Tuesday 3rd November

Hello Sabot Families,


It is our pleasure to extend an invitation to you to the 2020 South Queensland Sabot Association Annual General Meeting.  Please note the date change.


Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd November 7.30pm at Darling Point Sailing Squadron.


As we wish for all of our families to feel involved in the running of SQSA we will be facilitating telephone access as we do for our committee meetings. We hope this allows all families to feel included and be able to contribute their skills. Details will be provided Monday 2nd November evening via email.


So its now time for all members of the Sabot family to put their hand up and consider nominating for a committee position.


I have attached a brief summary of the committee positions as well as other appointed positions that need to be filled. An organisation such as ours can not continue without the support and involvement of our members.  We would love to share some of the “lighter roles” with some of our new families. These positions include uniform co-ordinator, regatta secretary, minute secretary and publicity / marketing officer for example.


All positions will be declared vacant and members will be able to nominate for the positions. If you have any questions or would like some further details about what the positions involve please feel free to contact either myself, Carmen, Kylie or Andrew Turner. Our current treasurer Kylie Strauss is not looking to stand again, please consider if you can fill this position.  Anyone taking on these positions will be supported.


Please consider in what capacity you can help SQSA.


Important – You must be a current financial member to be allowed to vote or stand for position within SQSA. I have attached a link for those who haven’t joined.


Lastly, thank you for all of your help and support throughout our 2019/2020 sailing season. For these wonderful events to continue to run smoothly, safely and enjoyably it takes the involvement of our valued families.




2020 AGM Agenda

2020 AGM Nomination Form[6728]

SQSA Committee Position Descriptions


2020/2021 SQSA Membership Link:

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