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South Queensland Sabot Association
SQSA Meeting Schedule (October)

SQSA Meeting Schedule (October)

The next Committee Meeting will be held Monday, 16 October 7.30pm and AGM is scheduled for Wednesday, 4th November 2020.

Committee Meeting tonight (Monday 12, October) 7.30pm.

Call In Details:

Phone: 08 9520 3110

Access code: 294 0214

Please note on this evenings agenda is a proposed new date for the Selection Trials, please take a moment to join our meeting so we can get an informed view on what our members would like.  A suggestion has been to move the Selection Trails to the Easter Regatta at Hervey Bay.

If you can not make the meeting you can email your thoughts and we will raise on your behalf.


AGM is Wednesday 4th November 2020 at 7.30pm.

I will send out a separate email with details around the various positions that need to be filled.  Now is a great time to ask any questions around any role you are considering and what that role entails to the existing committee.  Some details below of people you can contact if you have any questions, email addresses are listed above.


Carmen Barney – President

Andrew Turner – Vice President

Kylie Strauss – Treasurer

Bonnie Eaton – Secretary

Richard Strauss – Measurer

Michael Eaton – Registrar

Andrew Barney – Boat Captain

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