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South Queensland Sabot Association
Results 2016/17

Selection Trials – Lake Cootharaba, 15th-16th October, 2016

2016 SQSA Selection Trials 1up Scratch Results

2016 SQSA Selection Trials 2up Scratch Results

Handicap results were as follows:


1st – 7020 Dark Side of the Moon – Angus Sherring

2nd – 3873 Mustang – James Beveridge

3rd – 7073 Seriously – Seisia Mair


1st – 7059 Tomahawk – Thomas Whitmore and Sophie Whitmore

2nd – 7100 Loose Goose – Max Rutherford and Emma Rutherford

3rd – 7113 Under Construction – Jordan Barney and Ayla Barney

Bay Titles – Mooloolaba, 27th-28th August, 2016

2016 SQSA Bay Titles 1up Scratch Results

2016 SQSA Bay Titles 2up Scratch Results


Sabot Nationals – Hobart, TAS 27th Dec ’16- 3rd Jan ’17

2016 Sabot Nationals & Sabot Week results

Results 2013/14

50th Sabot Nationals:-

                           -Nationals Scratch Results

-Nationals Handicap Results

                           -Sabot Week – Scratch Results

                           -Sabot Week – Handicap Results

                           -Invitation Race

Results 2012

2012/13 SQSA Season Championship – all regattas combined results.

2012 Queensland Sabot Championship Results

2012/13 River Title, Noosa River – Results scratch 1up  and Scratch 2up.

2013 Nationals Selection Trials – Full results view here.

49th Sabot Nationals, Brighton – Check out our great results.  1st 2up Nationals, 1st 1up Sabot week and 5th 1up Nationals plus a clean sweep of the teams events.  Results for Nationals. and Sabot Week.

SQSA Bay Titles – Darling Point Sailing Squadron 26-27 August – results here.

81st Annual Easter Regatta, 6-8 April 2012, Maryborough Sailing Club (Hervey Bay):  1-up scratch Hunter Vercoe; 1-up handicap Jack Carter; 2-up scratch (Carlton Smith & Will Bridge)

River Titles and Season Championships: 4-5 February 2012 at Brisbane Sailing Squadron.  Results here.

Results 2011

48th Australian Sabot Championships and Shane Smith Sabot Week:  28 December 2011 – 5 January 2012
Sabot Week:  scratch and handicap (note that scratch winners are ineligible for handicap awards)
Nationals:  scratch and handicap (note that scratch winners are ineligible for handicap awards)

SQSA Selection Trials – Southport Yacht Club Races 1 to 5, and Darling Point Sailing Squadron Races 6 to 10 – results here

Hervey Bay Sabot Championships – Maryborough Sailing Club 22-24 April –
Results:   1-Up scratch;     1-Up handicap;      2-Up scratch

OAMPS Queensland Youth Regatta – RQYS 2-5 July – results here

SQSA Season Championship for 2011/12:  presented 5 February 2012, results here for competitors who entered each of Bay and River Titles, and the Selection Trials.

SQSA River Titles 2011/12:  4-5 February 2012 results here

SQSA Bay Titles – Cleveland Yacht Club 27-28 August – results here

Queensland Sabot Championships – Keppel Bay Sailing Club 11-12 June – results here

Results 2010

2010/2011 National Championships & Sabot Week, Wynyard Yacht Club, Tasmania:
Invitation Race Results  (all competitors)
National Championship Results
Sabot Week Results

2010 OAMPS Queensland YouthWeek, 3-6 July, hosted by RQYS:  Results

2010 Queensland Sabot Championships, 12-13 June , hosted by Keppel Bay Sailing Club:
Senior, 1-Up Results
Junior, 2-Up Results

2010 Hervey Bay Easter Regatta, 9-11 April, hosted by Maryborough Sailing Club:  Results

2010 Season Championship:  sum of Bay & River Titles + Selection Trials for Sabots competing in all 3:  Results

2010 Selection Trials:  Races 1-5  Maryborough S.C.,  Hervey Bay & Races 6-10 Darling Point S.C. :   Results 

2010 Queensland Youth Championships, 24-26 September, hosted by Keppel Bay Sailing Club:  Results

2010 Bay Titles, 11-12 September, hosted by Maroochy Sailing Club:  Results

2010 River Titles, 21-22 August, hosted by Noosa Yacht & Rowing Club:  Results

Results 2008

2008-09 Nationals and Sabot Week Regatta at Airlie Beach Results:

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